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Welcome to the Castle

"Castle Writemore" is a collection of one hundred and twenty three writing prompts. They have been designed to foster creative writing, descriptive writing, personal reflection, brainstorming techniques, annotative skills, and paragraph development.


They are also designed to make writing fun. 


"Castle Writemore" is ideal for young writers from ages six to ten; however, any age group can have a splendid time visiting this imaginary world. 


I have been teaching college English classes for over a decade, and I have noticed one far too common trait: Most adult students do not know the joy of writing creatively.  Without creativity, one cannot write a good novel OR a good argument essay.  Whether writing fiction or non-fiction, creativity is vital.


I hope you will join us on our quest to bring joy back to the realm of writing assignments. 


Wade Bradford is the author of "There's a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor," "Papa Bear's Page Fright," and many other children's books and plays. He teaches academic and creative writing at Moorpark college. He is also the proud father of two home schooled children. 



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